Past, Present and Future
The privileged shoemaking location where ELDACORCHO in 1971, within one of the most prestigious shoemaking areas in the manufacture of Spanish footwear, has allowed us to evolve and become one of the companies with the most experience and track record in the application of natural cork at a national level.

First Generation
Pioneers in the cork industry applied to footwear
Restituto Belmonte founded ECOR (now ELDACORCHO), beginning its activity as a manufacturer of compacted cork for American clients. Since its inception, and through the use of manual lathes, the company has acquired great experience in the application of natural cork, when it was still a natural material not well-known in the shoe industry.

New Borders
Natural cork is widely accepted.
The prosperous shoe industry of the valley enjoys great international prestige. This boom favors the growth and development of the product and its manufacture, generating an increasingly growing demand for natural cork for many of its applications such as: fillings, vulcanized, wedges and platforms for jute floors. ELDACORCHO gains confidence and ends its exclusive period for its American clients, expanding its borders to new clients.

Third Generation
Evolution meets tradition.
Along with its third generation, the new millennium has been incorporating innovations such as machinery centers and 3D design. This turning point within ELDACORCHO generates new possibilities. The continuous improvements begin to attract new markets.

50 years
Past, present and future.
ELDACORCHO maintains its past as a pioneer in the shoe industry, evolving with its experience in a consumer society that is increasingly aware of the environment and sustainable products. Natural cork and its properties, together with our experience, give us the confidence to continue facing another half century of growth together with our clients.